
Rates per source word may vary according to the word count, the subject area and the format of the text to be translated. The deadline will also be considered. Get your free quote now!

Files in Word, Excel and other editable formats allow for an easier word count than, for example, PDF files. Save both time and money on file conversion costs by emailing me your texts in an editable format: .doc, .docx, .txt… Thank you!

Proofreading & MTPE

Get a quote per target (Spanish) word.


Price varies depending on the nature of each project. Please ask for a quote.

Hiring and Payment Terms

  • For all types of projects, get a fixed, detailed quote within 24 hours.
  • For translation and/or proofreading assignments, a copy of the working text will be necessary to make an accurate word count. 
  • A total or partial advance payment might be requested prior to starting any work. Milestone payments may also apply.
  • Additional expenses (e.g., courier/postal costs, print or USB copies...) will be charged when appropriate.
  • Accepted payment methods: Bank transfer/deposit, Wise, Bizum and PayPal.
               PAY WITH PAYPAL HERE